First and foremost, I am a daughter of the King!
That's not something that I take lightly nor leave out of what I do, personally nor professionally!
I am a married, homeschooling mom of three daughters -- Yasmine, Jaelynn, and Caitlyn-- and one Angel, Natalynn and we live in Memphis, Tennessee. So, yes, I'm a busy mom like many of you!
Now for the real story...
Like you, I am a woman who does THE ABSOLUTE MOST for other people…this program came from that. How? I realized that what I was doing for someone else would work for me.
My program began the day I edited someone else’s. As I worked to make hers perfect, I said, “I wanna write a boot camp…I think I can do it…”
My client encouraged me to do it—and that’s when the doubt hit!
I sat staring at a blank page, wondering what I could turn into MY 21 Day Boot Camp.
Then the heavens opened and a memory came to mind!
That memory became the crux of my Boot Camp—I tell the whole story in the Boot Camp Book!
it is important to hold on to your vision…
…and prepare for fruition day!
I experience the frustration of not having the money to fully pursue this vision.
I told my designer, who designed the women’s boot camp materials and planners, to take my project off of her calendar—she chose to pray about it because she knew my heart for the project.
I even dealt with people saying that I needed to change the cover because the woman upon it is Asian…
for every critique, a blessing followed…
The money I didn’t have came the VERY next day
The box design came to fruition due to a $50 birthday discount
The critics became customers
The EWIABW board game is in production